Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021


YuvaSatya - Dubai

My humble prostrations at the Feet of Guru Maa!

It was a pleasant surprise when I first got to know from Manishji of the scheduling of Maaji’s exclusive sessions with the various Study Circles, including the one with the boys and girls at SISS Dubai Yuva-Satya Study Circle. We are grateful to SISS, for providing the right guidance and the resources for moulding our Youth. Many thanks to Manish ji for his relentless support. Maa ji has been blessing us with regular Call Talks recently. However, we have been missing the direct, long, one-on-one sessions that parents and children used to have with Maaji, during her visits before the pandemic broke out. Like those sessions, this time, during this virtual session with the Yuva-Satya family on 11th June 2021, both the children and their parents (including me) got to clarify a lot of doubts and receive valuable life enhancing teachings from Maa ji.

Along with the children, I too am blessed to be a part of their journey, during which I have learnt a lot. The contents of Gurudev's texts, that I have been learning with the Yuvas are simple, but intense. The Yuva Study Circle had just recently finished their reading of the Gurudev's very sublime text titled "Kindle Life" and with Maa ji’s blessings, have taken up the challenging higher studies of His even more intense text called "The Art of Man-Making", based on the Holy Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta.

After accepting the invocation prayers offered by children, Maaji expressed Her happiness in the way children chanted their prayers, and explained to them the essence and importance of such prayers, and the need to do them with the right understanding and attitude. She explained the qualities of Lord Sree Hanumanji, mentioned in the prayer, which each child must imbibe in their Yuva-Satya - i.e., Buddhir-balam (power of intelligence), Yash (fame), Dhairyam (strength), Nirbhayatvam (fearlessness), Arogatha (health), Ajaddyam (vigor) and Vakpatutvam (better communication). Prayers, She said, must be learnt by 'Heart' and not by throat or mind, or by simply reading from a book. The literal and imbibed meanings of the words must be accessed, understood, contemplated upon and implemented in day-to-day life. As a template exercise, every child was asked to write his own assessment and understanding, that he would implement with regard to the opening invocation prayer: “AUM! Sahana vavatu, sahanau bhunaktu.." The Yuvasatya children sincerely obeyed Maa ji's instructions and submitted their write-ups within the stipulated 15 days’ time line, offering it at the Holy Feet of their Guru Maa. The whole exercise was done by each of them without any guidance or collaboration from anyone.  

Maa ji said that the Spiritual and Religious studies and its understanding is the very spine of our life that will hold us strong to face the challenges in this world in the best possible way. This is particularly true in case of the young ones and therefore, the studies undertaken under the SISS Yuva-Satya umbrella must become the underlining force behind every thought and deed of the youth, throughout the day for the rest of their lives. With such force the young ones will be able go across the ocean of samsara and face any challenges depending on the discipline, sincerity and regularity with which they read the Scriptures - be it fear, stress, failure, depression, health issues, financial matters, or any other physical or psychological issues. Children must develop unfailing Faith in the Scriptures' and Guru, with zero doubt. The doubt can only be on ones’ understanding, but never on the Scriptures and the words of the Guru. Shraddha will provide the inner strength and confidence that will never let one fail in life. Our inner strength should be so strong that even if the happenings in the world turn contrary to our expectation, we should never let us down and never deviate from our Ethics, Morality and the Values learnt. Yuvasatya children were asked to take a vow that they will not do anything immoral or unethical and will always remain firm, courageous, and erect on the foundations of the moral and ethical values thought by Sanatana-Dharma.

Children got some valuable teaching on how to prioritize and focus on their activities without disturbance. They also learnt the techniques to stop, observe, think and take right decisions. The importance of Gayatri Mantra and the practice of Japa were explained.

Maa ji blessed all parents and their children. Children were told to keep a sharp watch on their minds and not to succumb to it. They must practice Sadhana sincerely and should not ever evade the YuvaSatya classes. The reading of scriptures should become their life-time practice.

With prostrations at the Holy Feet of Guru Maa,