Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

Ushering the New year 2021

Sharmistha Pati,
NCR Study Circle,

Hari Aum

A very happy New Year to all my fellow seekers. We at Delhi/NCR circle are really blessed to be with Maa ji at this stage of our lives which has seen a miserable Corona year of stress, fear and agony. The positive vibes energized with the company of Maa ji and Manish ji could pull us through the negativity that the outside world was surrounded with. At the dawn of the New Year Maaji rightly said “forget the past and look up to the future”.

Our New year started with bowing down at the feet of Sree Ishwara by performing arati with Maaji at the Sree Ishwara temple. Like every year, as per the traditions laid down by SISS, we offered Sree Mahavishnu puja and Sree Vishnu Sahasranaam homam, with Manish ji at the seat of puja. We were the fortunate few seekers who were blessed to be present on this occasion. Being less in number, we had more time to perform homam. Each oblation was followed by the chanting of the mantra “Idam na mama”. Chanting with Maa ji in the serene atmosphere of SISS, made our hearts filled with the divine thoughts. Homam ended with halwa prasad prepared by Maa ji herself, and was followed by lunch prasad.

What more can a devotee ask for? To be at the feet of Gurumaa with her wisdom and the guidance of Manish ji at every occasion to start the New Year with!

Hari Aum