Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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Deepstambh came into Manifestation at SISS…


Aum Sree Prakaashatmane namah!

A 3-layered lamp having 48 wicks, placed on a Blackstone pillar carved with Nandi ji at the base, Garud ji in the middle and Hansa ji on the top was offered to Sree Ishwar at SISS temple complex on the most auspicious day (Ajaa Ekadashi, 29th August, 2024) by H H Maa Purnananda ji.

On this most auspicious occasion, Maa ji highlighted the significance of all the three vehicles (Hansa ji, Garud ji and Nandi ji) of the Trinity of Sree Brahma ji, Sree Vishnu ji and Sree Maheshwar ji respectively. They have already been existing, however They came into manifestation now with the installation of the Deepstambh.

This beautiful ‘Deepstambh’ standing in-front of Sree Ishwar reminds us of the metaphorical description of the ‘Lamp of Knowledge‘ as presented by Sree Adi Shankaracharya ji in His commentary on Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta (chapter 10, verse 10 & 11):The lamp, fed by the oil of bhakti,

1.The lamp, fed by the oil of bhakti,

2.Enlivened by the pure breeze of intense love on Sree Ishwar,

3.Placed in an inner equipment full of detachment (Aasakti-rahit antahkaran jiska aadhaar hai),

4.Shedding the light of true perception born of ceaseless one-pointed meditation. May the compassionate Lord stay resided in our hearts!