Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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Sree Maha Lakshmi Puja at SISS

Delhi NCR

Hari Aum!

Pranaam at the Holy feet of Guru Maa.

NCR study circle members were fortunate to perform Sree Maha Lakshmi Puja at SISS on 23rd Oct’22 in the benign presence of Maa ji, on the auspicious occasion of Deepawali. With deep devotion and prayers in our heart, we followed the ‘shodashopachaar’ puja method prescribed in the Ishwara Upasana book to welcome the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, Sree Maha Lakshmi.

We all came to ashram in traditional dresses to perform the puja. I was fortunate to perform the puja along with Snigdha ji. Under the blessed guidance of Maa ji, and august presence of Chaitanya ji, the puja was a blissful experience and there was a feeling of complete contentment to be on the holy land of SISS on this auspicious day.

During puja Mata enlightened us with the concept of ‘Garudadhwaja Vallabhi’ which is one of the names of Maa Lakshmi. Maa elucidated that Lord Vishnu is known as Garudadhwaja. Garudadhwaja Vallabhi means, the one who is dear to Lord Vishnu.

Maa also explained the significance of ‘Ashta Lakshmi’, the eight virtues of Maa Lakshmi which are to be imbibed in us through the puja. Diwali is the time to embrace the divine virtues in us for our Spiritual journey and not for the materialistic wealth.

My humble pranaam again at Maa ji’s lotus feet for guiding us on our Spiritual journey.