Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

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YEAR 2021

Sree Geeta Jayanti at SISS


Hari Aum!

Prostrations at the Holy Feet of Sree Guru Parampara.

It is because of the supreme grace of the Gurus that we, the study circle members of SISS celebrate Sree Tapovan ji Maharaj Jayanti and Sree Geeta Jayanti every year in the holy premises of SISS.

We started our puja this year by welcoming Maa ji with Purna Kumbh. After taking the blessings of Sree Iswara, we performed Sree Guru Paduka Puja in the serene atmosphere of Sadguru Sharanam. As a part of the auspicious occasion, USB of ‘Maneesha Panchakam’ was released by Maa.

The great teachings of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta has been clearly expounded by our Guru Parampara. On the occasion of Sree Geeta Jayanti, we chanted the Dhyaan Shlokas, which say clearly that Geeta in essence is the gist of all Upanishads.

पाराशर्यवचः सरोजममलं गीतार्थगन्धोत्कटम्
नानाख्यानककेसरं हरिकथासम्बोधनाबोधितम् ।
लोके सज्जनषट्पदैरहरहः पेपीयमानं मुदा
भूयाद्भारतपंकजं कलिमलप्रध्वंसि नः श्रेयसे ॥ ७॥

May this lotus of the Mahabharata, born in the lake of the words of Vyasa (Son of Parashara), with intense sweet fragrance of the essence of Gita, with many stories as its stamens, fully opened by the discourses on Hari, the destroyer of the effects of Kaliyuga, and drunk joyously by the bees of good men in the world, day by day become the bestower of good to us.

On this auspicious day may we be blessed by Sree Tapovanji Maharaj to understand the deeper import of the time-less teachings of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta.

Gratitude at the feet of Guru Maa for guiding me in my spiritual endeavour. My sincere thanks to Sri Chaitanya ji for his relentless efforts to put us on the right path.

Hari Aum!