Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

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YEAR 2021

Once in Life Time Lesson

Mythili Muralidharan

Pranaams to H H Maa Purnananda ji.

Hari Aum to everyone.

Year 2023 is going to be a glorious year for every seeker, because on 08-01-23, Maaji taught us the “Once in Life Time Lesson”, through the online Call Talk “Resolve to Evolve”. 

I am very blessed to listen to many of Maaji’s discourses. For me, this particular Call Talk was not a discourse, but totally a mesmerising and a stunning experience. The words are still humming like reenkar in my ears. I am feeling the lingering effects and thoughts. Maaji usually gives lot of guidelines to handle every day worldly affairs according to scriptures in simple words.

During this talk, Maaji explained, how in Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta, Lord Sree Krishna Himself is showing the path to evolve.

* In chapter 2, Lord motivates Arjun to resolve to fight against enemies - we must strive hard to annihilate our ego, so that we come back to our true nature.

* In chapter 6, uplift yourself by your Self - apply constant vigil on our mind and guide the wandering mind by our Intellect.

* In chapter 18, Yagnya, Daan and Tapa - should be performed for the purification of mind and intellect.

Yagnya- Sacrifice the doer-ship.

Daan - Give away possessions.

Taap - Following austerity.

The true tapasvi is the one who in spite of all adversities coming from all directions while working, is able to give up doer-ship and enjoyer-ship. Then the evolution takes place.

My understanding of the conclusion of the Talk, “it is time to take a resolve to keep a check on ourselves to evolve, every moment”. Every action should be a Yagyna or Daan to mould ourselves to become tapasvis. Let this “I” get blessed by Sree Guruparampara to evolve.

During the Q.A, my question was: What are the simple Austerities that we can practice in every-day life?

The answer given by Maaji and as I understood -

Even though the seekers attain some control over ‘indriya indulgence’, still there is no control over the ‘mind indulgence’. To keep a check on mind indulgence, Maaji gave the following simple guidelines to practice every day to get control over the mind.

1. Kshama (Forgiveness)

2. Arjavam (Straight-forwardness)

3. Daya (Compassion)

4. Tosh (Satisfaction)

5. Satyam (Truthfulness)

6. Truly one should not have any negativity towards anybody and

     think of the well-being of all.

7. Must do daily prayers, puja with shodash - upachar and

     pray for everyone with the prayer,

“Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niramayah, Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu, Maa Kashchit Dukh Bhaagbhavet”

To have Maaji as our Guru, I can only wonder like Saint Thyagaraja ji has said, “Is it because of Devi Tripurasundari’s blessings or our purva janma puja phala?”
