Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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Conquer Your Self through Scriptures

Sudha Bazaz
Chh. Sambhaji Nagar (Maharashtra)

Hari Aum!               

My prostration at the Holy feet of Sree Guru Parampara, without Their blessings we would not have been able to have such a valuable human life, with so much of peace and steadiness. In today's world we keep facing the challenges at every step of our lives. Our scripture gives us the 'Solemn Solution'. We just need the connectivity with it and we will understand how impactful they are! Few of the challenges which we face very often are -        

1. Uncertainty - We are all the time worried about our financial status, relationships, our success, our failures, our children, our future. The list is never ending. Our scriptures always taught us that in this ever changing world the only thing that is certain is our ‘Essential Self’ i.e our Sat-Chid-Anand Swaroop. We should have ultimate Faith in Brahman or any form of God or Goddess.

2. Claustrophobia – This is the second challenge. Everyone has become extroverted and out-going. So the four walls of the house have become pain for them. Our Scriptures have guided us to become अंतर्मुखी। बहिर्मुखी makes us claustrophobic. In this competitive world one can face challenges by becoming introvert. We should be able to spend our time with our selves absorbed in Scriptures.       

3. Over exposure - Stopping the greed of being over exposed to mobile or screen. Having a mobile in our hand all the time is a harmful habit. We must remind ourselves that to unite with our true nature we have to remain in balance while using it. These gadgets are sapping our mental and intellectual ability. Visually we are losing the perfection of our eye sight. Our Scriptures advise us to remain in समत्व.     

4. Economy – Money is very important no doubt, but we should not be running after it. World economy is going through a big crisis. The pressure comes on the house holder. Prices of essential commodities are soaring high. Here Shlok no 17 - chapter 6 of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta needs to be applied.   

युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु।
युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दुःखहा।।

We have forgotten the word 'moderation'. Everything is over indulgence. This is another contemporary challenge. 

5. Anxiety – Anxiety has become a common concern now-a-days. It is due to inner instability. For inter stability it is advisable to do regular and sincere studies of Scriptures. Scriptures are the only Solemn Solutions to fall back upon. They always remind us about the transient nature of the world.   

6. Increase in house hold work – Now-a-days there is hardly any adjustment within the family. Each member of the family will like to have food of his/her choice. People have also started working from home. Because of our confusions, we do not take help from our helpers. To deal with this, our Scriptures speak of discipline. We need अनुशासन and अभ्यास। Discipline leads to freedom.                       

7. Indulgence in food – We have become over indulgent in food. We waste lot of time in searching for recipes and want to try out global food. Fusion food is leading to confusion in our minds. In earlier times, food used to be very simple. We have started over investing our precious time in food alone. Food is important for a healthy body. It not only makes our body healthy, but our mind and also our thought process. In Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta, Sree Krishna speaks about ‘Saatvik Aahar’.

So these are the ‘Solemn Solutions’ to our ‘Contemporary Challenges’ which we face in today's time.

Hari Aum!