Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

Making Best Use of My Holidays

Anirudh Ramesh (12 yrs)
Bal Satya - Burdubai

Hari Aum! Pranaams to Maaji!

I read Maa's Article -

'May and June are the Best Months of The Year!'

Here are my learnings:

Every year has 12 special months filled with festivals, pomp, work and school. But two months stand out, May and June.

May and June are the months of the summer holidays, where school ends, work lightens and families get together. However, it is a challenge to entertain oneself and family during these months. Most families use this for travel, enjoyment and sightseeing, things that are important and also those in process make them forget the essence of the months.

May and June are the months when the Sun is brightly shining over the world. The Sun, 'Surya Devata', is a divine being and when Surya Devata is at His peak, it is important to seek His blessings. Here comes the most sacred and powerful Mantra, the Gayatri Mantra.

The Gayatri Mantra is devoted to Surya Devata. It ascends the worshipper, the devotee to the higher mental planes across the lokas. This signifies the importance of the months of May and June since they are the months where the Sun is at its peak and the months that should be used to do Sadhana, especially through worship of Surya Devata and the sacred Gayatri Mantra.

Also Sunday is supposed to be Ravivaar, the day of Ravi (Surya Devata) while most use it as an unwinding day and not as a day of Sadhana and worship which is crucial.

Real Life Applications:

In real life, I can implement Maa's message in quite a few ways.

After reading the article, my perspective changed and I realized that my summer holidays are not used efficiently. Chanting the Gayatri Mantra everyday and performing as much Sadhana as possible would be key changes for me to implement. Another new thing would be to wake up early in order to worship Surya Devata.

I am grateful to Maa for giving us this enlightenment. This article is a perspective changer and there are many takeaways.

Pranaams to Maa!