Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

An Awaited Awakening

Riddhima Tulshan
(Grade – 9)
Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad)

Hari Aum!

Pranaam to Guru Maa

With the uncountable distractions I end up coming across every day in my life, I often feel lost and in need of guidance which I am grateful to receive at all times. But, being in the physical presence of Guru Maa was the one thing I had wished for and needed.

I was so blessed to be able to meet Maa and spend my time learning during Her visit to Aurangabad this March. Even before, I had always been curious about our integral ritual – Puja. Maa in her first evening class discussed and taught us about the importance, methodology, significance and attitude to be kept while offering the ‘Shodash Upchaar’ puja.

We do Puja to gain freedom from our sins and for the purification of self. We should perform Puja with selfless bhaav. If at all, one wants to ask for something from the Lord, materialistic desires are best kept at bay. Having Faith and knowing that God has the best saved for His devotees, is one thought I will never forget!

The following day, Maa explained Sree Sharda Stotram. This was followed by the offering of Sree Saraswati Devi Puja the next morning.

Auli, the shitzu was most active during Maa’s stay here. Other than our morning sessions and prasad meals, we got to spend time with Maa, where we discussed on ‘not so thought of’ topics like saatvik, rajasik and tamasik foods, the scare and rage of artificial intelligence and the prevention of downfall in today’s generation.

No amount of time spent with Maa, will ever be enough. We missed the lively presence of Manish mama and I look forward to being in their holy presence soon again.

Pranaam & Hari Aum!