Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

The Best of Times – Moment by Moment

Shikha Tulshan
Aurangabad, Maharashtra

Hari Aum!

My Pranaam at the Feet of Guru Maa, and Pranaam to Manishji.

My visit to the Holy land of SISS this time was as always one of the most memorable ones!

It was late evening when I, along with my daughter reached SISS. As much as we were eager, ironically there was an unspoken sadness between us which meant that we will not get to see Pablo in the beauty of his mortal coil. But, as Maa had explained that the presence of divine souls cannot be limited for perception only in their mortal coils, but in essence they are everywhere, reminding us, guiding us. We were trying to keep our minds in that frame of thought to ease out the lingering pain. The soothing effect on the mind having the darshan of the glorious, serene, mighty, comforting Sree Ishwar Darshan Temple was so fulfilling and invigorating - praying and seeking for forgiveness, every moment became alive. We were very eager to meet Mataji and Manishji without wasting a single moment.

While we were having the blessed opportunity of sitting with them and in the loving presence of Sumedhaji, and having the most delicious dinner meal so cheerfully served by Vinod, there were a lot of thoughts and feelings surging up. More dominating were those of Pablo. His cute things were still around. I was not able to bring myself to speak about him at that time, but leaning and sitting close to his sweet little house actually gave me the comfort that he's always there! I again repeat as expressed in previous write-ups, that he was an epitome of love, patience, dedication, discipline, contentment, cheer and much more, living them flawlessly in the limitations of the physical body, which as told by our Gurus are mandatory for a seeker on this path. My tribute to him always!

That evening Mataji, Manishji and Sumedha ji were kind to take us also through their trip to Rishikesh which they went the previous days, by sharing the memories of some beautiful moments spent there and the darshan of the ever glorious Ganga Mata flowing. This was followed by some light hearted talks and precious blessings that we received. 

Next day was the blessed opportunity for all of us to celebrate the Jayanti of our great Sadgurus, Sree Adi Shankaracharya ji and Sree Gurudev ji. The festivity was palpable right since early morning, while decorating and garlanding the Gods and Goddesses. This prepared the mind to get ready for the Puja and seek Their blessings on our Spiritual journey.  Welcoming Maaji with Purnakumbh, followed by Arati at the Temple, Maa ji took Her seat on the Vyaaspeeth, guiding the 13 year old girls Ananta and Riddhima to offer Puja whole heartedly at the Feet of the Sadgurus. The vibrancy of the atmosphere within was very powerful to hold all of us in the direction of invoking our Sadgurus. Prasad meal was even more delicious and having together with NCR Study Circle was very satisfying. 

It needn't be told, it needn't be expressed, but everything is there... 

A lot has been imparted to me over so many years now, by Mataji, and patiently explained by Manishji for me to go within and work upon my weaknesses with their blessings. My gratitude to them and i seek forgiveness at their Feet for my mistakes committed knowingly and unknowingly. My sincere thanks to the ever smiling staff, shining in their simplicity and purity. My pranaam to all the divine souls there in the form of flora & fauna.

For me, I have seen that the presence of Mataji and Manishji, the company of associates or for that matter even the constant association with SISS in my mind while I am back home, brings an overwhelming quietude. It reminds me to be connected with God while doing the most mundane activities.

Though a very short visit, but the power of SISS to hold the mind still was very strongly felt and I was blessed to carry this priceless gift back home with me. 
