Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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Key to The Might

Shikha Tulshan
Aurangabad (Maharashtra)

Hari Aum!

My humble prostrations at the Holy Altar of Sree Guruparampara.

Humble prostrations at the lotus feet of Gurumaa and the holy abode of SISS. Gratitude to Chaitanya ji (Manishji) for giving us the opportunity to benefit from the sacred teachings, imparted by our Sadguru.

The Online Call-Talk last month was deeply inspiring, on the topic - ‘The Mightiest & the Righteous’. The opening thought was given to us by Chaitanya ji - “In general parlance, we say and believe that might is right, should we continue to believe in this? Or dare to challenge, by unveiling the right relationship between the Mightiest and the Righteous?”

The beautiful renderings by Balsatya children, was a preparation to attune my mind to receive the blessings by Her Holiness.

Maa explained that righteousness can be the only key to true might. The building blocks to cultivate this in us is laid down in our religious and scriptural texts written by our revered Sree Rishis, Sree Gurus and saints.

The might of the sacred Bull (representing DHARM) in Sreemad Bhaagwat Maha Puraan is in Its full glory in the beginning of Satyug / Krit Yug. Its four legs represent the strong pillars of Austerity, Purity, Compassion and Truth. But unfortunately, Dharm started losing each pillar in every yug, as people of failed to adhere to the practice of these virtues. Satyug lost its glory of Austerity, ushering in Treta Yug. Treta yug lost its glory of Purity and opened the gates to Dwaapar yug, and Dwaapar yug, lost compassion bringing in Kaliyug. By the time Kaliyug set in, only the leg of Truth is left, because Truth (Satyam) ALONE is and cannot be destroyed. Thus Gurumaa emphasised on how important it is in Kaliyug for us to hold on to and live Truth! For our practice, Maa explained certain methods prescribed in our scriptures, since the first yug.

From the Manusmriti in the Krit yug, we get the 10 facets of Dharm (Righteousness)

Dhriti – Fortitude and Forbearance.

Kshama – Forgiveness.

Damah – Control of senses.

Asteya – non concealing.

Shaucham – Purity and Cleanliness.

Indriya nigrah – Control of subtle sense organs, mind.

Dhih – Intellectual stability to understand the difference between Real and unreal.

Vidya – Practice the understanding in life.

Satyam – Truthfulness.

Akrodh - not becoming a victim to any kind of disturbing anger.

In Treta yug, we learn from Lord Sree Ram, Who incarnates as the son of Mother Kaushalya, Whose depth is equal to the deepest ocean, forbearance as the mighty Himalayas, anger like the destructive fire, but forgiveness likened to Mother earth and Who is adorned by the 4 glories of Dharm. I pray and worship Lord Sree Ram with reverence and dedication to bless with virtues to be able to win over the Raavan – (the false might of ego within me). Though Raavan, had all the physical might, well versed in scriptural knowledge, had put all the efforts to be devoted to lord, was yet ‘weak’, only because he resorted to unrighteous means.

From Dwaapar yug we get the teachings from the shlok in Mahabharat, when mother Gandhari is advising her son Duryodhan - ‘Dharmein Hanyate Vyaadhih, Dharmein Sukhada Grahau, Dharmein Hanyate Shatruh, Yato Dharmas Tato Jayah’. (Physical ailments can be cured by right application of Dharm, aspire and work hard by means of Dharm to gain peace, evil is conquered by Dharm, victory is where Dharm is!) This gives me a blessed feeling of having the sacred shelter of SISS above me, which stands on the above principle.

The sacred teachings of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta are the life support to hold on to firmly. Gurumaa told us to remember the concluding verse of the Text (Chapter 18, Verse 78)

यत्र योगेश्वरः कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धरः।
तत्र श्रीर्विजयो भूतिर्ध्रुवा नीतिर्मतिर्मम ।।

(Wherever is Sree Krishna, the Lord of Yog, wherever is Paarth, the archer, there is prosperity, victory, happiness, and firm (Steady or sound) policy, this is my conviction). Kali yug too, gives us the sacred Mahamantra given by Lord Vishnuji to Sree Naradji to be taught to us,

हरे राम हरे राम, राम राम हरे हरे।
हरे कृष्ण हरे कृष्ण, कृष्ण कृष्ण हरे हरे।।

Due of our downfall, we lose sight of Truth (though Truth will always prevail). Sincere Japa of the Mahamantra with Devotion & Faith will bring back the focus of my mind on Truth.

Thus uniting with the divinity in me, working with the scriptural understanding, and putting in sincere efforts with righteousness cultivated within, will be my true might. Choice is mine, as, where I align my thoughts, words and deeds, will determine my path.

With the blessings of Lord, Sree Guru Parampara, divinity and all saints and sages, may I resolve to implement the Spiritual teachings in thoughts, words and actions to walk on this sacred path.

Hari Aum!