Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2024

YEAR 2023

YEAR 2022

YEAR 2021

YEAR 2020

I Must…

Riddhima Tulshan
(Age 14 yrs)
Aurangabad (CSN)

Hari Aum!

My humble pranaam at the Feet of Sree Guru Parampara.

It is indeed “The most wonderful time of the year” in the tunes of the Christmas carol. Every opportunity I get to visit the ashram is a blessing, teaching me to be positive in this unstable world. But, it is this time I learnt that only being ‘positive’ is far from coming to know myself.

I used to believe that without a peaceful spot or a change in surroundings for example - in a temple, alone or with nature, was only when I could truly connect with God. I have now realized that those were the immediate excuses for my indulgence in my surroundings, fueling a lot of my unwanted desires. This retreat I have promised to enhance and practice my self-control, pray and build strength to be a good human.

My takeaway from Gurudev’s message - I will live in the present and serve as much as I can, I will not waste time and opportunities when it comes to my studies and duties. I have learned that I must strive to live the principles of Arjun ji in my daily mundane, so as to improve my character and grow in my home, school, social, cultural, religious and spiritual environments.

Along with this, whenever I visit ashram I learn so much from everybody especially all the bhaiyas and dearest Adi. So energetic and joyful no matter what. This time I could meet Ananta who never fails to remind me of how sweet she is and how beautifully she offers Bharatanatyam to Sree Ishwara. I am so so so x-infinity grateful to have the opportunity to grow under the loving care and embrace of Guru Maa and Mama who have showered so much love and I pray to be worthy of it always.
