Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

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YEAR 2021



Hari Aum!

Prostrations at the Holy Altar of Sree Guru Parampara!

The festival of Sree Ram Navami represents the virtue, morality, and the victory of good over evil, the day which is celebrated as the birth of Lord Ram who is the seventh Avatar of Lord Vishnu. Lord Ram’s birth is seen as a time of Divine intervention to defend Dharm and vanquish the evil. 

This day was celebrated at SISS on 17th April, with the Supreme guidance & blessings of Guru Maa & with Divine Grace.

The function started at 11.00 am with the Purnakumbh & Thought of the Day, graciously explained by Mata ji, which still reverberates in my mind:

At all times send our thoughts of LOVE to ALL: BLESSINGS to ALL:

Soon you will find ALL including your enemies showering YOU with LOVE.

We all thus felt loved and blessed to receive Param Pujya Gurudev’s message for the day!

We all went to SREE ISHWARA DARSHAN temple for the Puja ceremony which was vibrant & full of energy – I felt that Lord Ram was giving Divine Darshan.

Shodashaupchaar Puja was performed on this auspicious day under the revered guidance and instructions of Maa ji. Nidhi ji & Ranjani ji were blessed to be offering the sacred puja. This was followed by KIRTAN & BHAJAN by the devotees. The holy environment of SISS reverberated with the name of Lord Sree Ram.

Now came the magical moment, where Maa unveiled the New Release in audio - The JAPA YANTRA. Maa told us how this world is full of calamities & fear, with negative energies. The japa of “Sree Kaliyug Mahamantra” helps one overcome the negativities and progress on the Spiritual path. We are indeed grateful to SISS for the Japa Yantra, an instrument which can be played continuously in our homes, offices etc by only plugging it into the plug point!

The whole atmosphere at Sree Sadguru Sharanam was vibrant with the sound of Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare... and was a divine & blissful experience with peace & happiness. 

Entrenched in devotion with the proceedings of the day, devotees received prasad, interacted with each other and took the sacred vow to follow the path and principles shown by our Holy Scriptures. 

Hari Aum!