Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

YEAR 2025

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YEAR 2021

From Helpless to a Helpful Being


Humble Prostrations at The Holy Feet of Maa!

The Call Talk on “Introspection to Reflection” is a topic taken by Maa many times earlier in Retreat and Discourses. Every time I hear, I feel lesser I know and there is so much more to it.

Mind is a flow of thoughts and there is no dearth of its own creation of ideas and imaginations, good and bad, love and hatred, likes and dislikes, all stored well and they keep popping up in different circumstances. I am oscillating to and fro helplessly between the six obstacles thinking that am reaching somewhere, but actually reaching nowhere and the cycle continues.

Only to break this cycle and to come out of it, Atma-nirikshan (observing our internal equipment) and Atma-vishleshan (self-analysis) are important. Only when I realize that my extroverted-ness is an obstacle on my path of evolution, then only can I internalize my thoughts towards a guided direction. This practice of ‘Introspection’ can be done before sleeping at night. In this when an elevation of mind takes place through scriptural perspective, only then this practice is beneficial. Then comes how to focus keeping the mind under control, because intensity of the world is more powerful than the intensity of the Divine. It is by the practice of ‘Concentration’, Antarang Saadhna in the morning, after taking bath can one help oneself to keep mind under control and focus.

Taming of mind is the next step to channelize thoughts to what the scriptures are telling. This practice is ‘Contemplation’. Once my thoughts change, my actions will also change for better. Only when Sattwa increases true meaning of the scriptures can be imbibed.

The next level of practice is ‘Reflection’. On this path of practice, Uparati (dispassion towards objective world), Titiksha (forbearance), Shraddha (to hold Sat), Nidhidhyasanam (reflection on the borrowed knowledge from seers & revered Rishis) are important. With complete steadiness in thought, Shraddha will transform into Samadhaan, complete understanding of the world around with its pairs of opposites. With this state of mind-intellect equipment, Reflections will come as intuitive knowledge, knowledge borrowed from our revered Rishis, which will be expounded as my True Self.

These are the steps in Meditation, beneficial only when I want to help myself to evolve. I try to put efforts to be regular in our study circle classes, on auspicious occasions and Retreats at SISS. My thick conditionings are a big stumbling block in my spiritual growth, so I do make mistakes often. Maa, humbly seeking for forgiveness at The Holy Feet!

Hari Aum!