Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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Who am I?

Dubai (U.A.E)

Hari Aum!

Humble Prostrations at the Lotus Feet of Pujya Maaji.

Every day I wake up to the world; it has something new to offer. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes right, sometimes wrong. Well; come to think of it what is right and what is wrong? Good for whom and bad for whom? Doesn’t the definition of good, bad, right and wrong change from time to time, person to person, place to place? Nothing is permanent everything is subject to change.

This change is visible or felt only when something is stationery and permanent. It is I, the Permanent. Now, who is this I? who am I? All these questions have made me wonder about Life, its nature and me as a human being, my role in this creation, who is the Creator? Is there a Creator? Too many questions. Fortunately for me I have been blessed to get a Sadguru who has taken me under the gracious fold and helping me find my true Self. To be at the Holy Feet of the revered Sree Guru Parampara, I have got an opportunity to purify myself and find the true purpose of this life. I have been futilely spending my time in the temporal, which is nothing but a waste of my true potentials, whereas the Transcendental which is the Substratum of my being, the eternal Existence Knowledge and Bliss is the Permanent without which the Temporal cannot exist.

I now understand my thirst for existence knowledge and happiness. But in the temporal if existence is lost, the other two don’t remain, whereas in the Transcendental, Existence Knowledge and Bliss is one and the same. So efforts are required in both the temporal as well as the Transcendental, but efforts put in temporal are lost in the world of change, whereas efforts put in the Transcendental will be for self-purification.

In Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta, among the paths of Bhakti Yog and Gnyaan Yog Bhagwaan Sree Krishna has advised upon the path of Karm yog too. Union with the Divine through the Path of Action. These paths take us away from the temporal of right and wrong and take us to the Righteousness of the Transcendental.

Chapter 13 of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta describes in detail, as to what is Spirit and what is matter. We land up giving way too much of importance to matter, that is the world of multiplicity, of ignorance, which is limited, relative and individualistic, than the Spirit which is One without a second, Pure Knowledge, Eternal, Universal, All Pervasive.

Chapter 15 of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta gives us the concept of the Universal Being the Uttam Purush, the journey of a limited being - the jeev or Kshar Purush to Akshar Purush – Ishwar (the intermediatory stage) to Uttam Purush the Ultimate. The Journey of man from being mortal to immortal to the Absolute, which is the ultimate purpose of human life as prescribed by our Holy Scriptures.

I Humbly bow down at the Holy Feet of our revered Sree Guru Parampara to strive for this ultimate ‘purpose’ of human life.

Sincere Dhanywaad to Chaitanya ji for everything that he does for this Divine Purpose.

Hari Aum!