Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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An Insight into Myself

Sweta Kandoi Aurangabad (Maharashtra)

Humble Pranaam at the holy feet of Maa,


The Talk was very inspiring, and I feel blessed that Maa’s message through it took a very deep seat in me. Descending a staircase is easy and easier is to fall, but to ascend each step takes effort! Why do I fall? Do I realize I am falling? A physical fall is realised only when I have fallen on the floor. And alas! my mind falls every now and then. The practice of our Sanatan Dharma gives us the solution. All the Dharmas of the world make us realize our fall. Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta explains the fall of our mind very clearly through 2 shlokas in Chapter 2.

‘When my ability to comprehend in the best way I can, is perished that is when my actual fall happens’. Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta clearly says enjoy the world, but don’t get attached to the objects or the pleasures. So then what do i meditate upon? All Religions prescribe us to meditate upon the Higher. (This Higher may have different names) Meditating upon objects increases the desires. Desires, if not satiated cause anger/dissatisfaction and if satiated give rise to more desires. In either situation it causes my perfect fall. At whichever step of fall I maybe, I will have to put in effort to rise from there.

Situations/things knowingly or unknowingly will enter my life; should they disturb me mentally or intellectually? We should not succumb to these situations-NO WAY!!! Our dharma says ‘Get Up and Get Going’, DO NOT GIVE UP till you reach your goal. For this we need a ladder. Chapter 6 of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta has a couplet which explains this.

The Higher Self is the friend of the lower self. And, the lower self can be won by the Higher Self. So I have to reject my lower self by associating with the Higher. The entire text of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta is to understand this concept of winning the lower i. This whole process has no shortcuts. This holy text has to be studied with intense faith and proper focus. Each step has to be taken very minutely, understanding the import of each verse. Guru Parampara’s and Sree Krishna’s blessings are required to rise on this ladder.

The famous quote by Gurudev, which Maa pointed out for us “When I slip outside-I fall, when I slip inside-I rise”, keeps reminding me of the direction I need to take.

We must pray. Our prayers should include reading of the Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta and such other holy Texts. With the blessings of Guru Parampara and Sree Krishna, we will be able to understand this holy text and hope for our rise and not fall on this ladder.

My humbly gratitude to Mata ji for giving me an insight into this pivotal topic and sincere thanks Manish ji

Hari Aum