Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta
As understood by Seekers

Answers to Study Question
by Seekers

Being with myself

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Sree Geeta Mahayantra

Sri Rajib Kumar Phukan,

Hari Aum!

The word ‘yantra’ has two roots - a) tra (from trayati) meaning liberation or awakening and b) yan, meaning instrument, process or something that is used in order to make something happen. In this context, a yantra is an instrument, or a key to open up our inner space of Consciousness.

In the just concluded retreat, a very innovative approach was adopted to present the essence of Sreemad Bhagawad Geeta in the form of yantra, nay, the Mahayantra - the ‘Supreme’ liberating knowledge that leads one to the changeless Reality, which is indicated by the Mahavakya, ‘Tattwamasi’ (‘That Thou Art’).

It was a customised capsule specifically made for the seekers of SISS who had come all the way from different parts of world to seek Divine Knowledge at the feet of Gurumaa and what a prasad it was! Unimaginable and unthinkable! We can only express our indebtedness for passing on such a clear point of view to us.

As Sree Geeta Mahayantra gradually unfolded, we felt like being provided with the clue for unlocking our own lives like a 4-digit combinational numerical lock. Our dominant habit pattern makes us inclined to particular positions while facing life situations like 1) active, 2) meditative, 3) devotional or 4) inquisitive (knowledge oriented).

For success, the secret is uniting with the divinity while engaging in the activities, and Geeta Mahayantra provides the complete road map how to go ahead with respect to four positions outlined above to align our physical, mental & intellect entities with the ‘Source’.

The problem with us is that we think we have knowledge but we do not imagine that our knowledge could be improper. We miss the real Essence, as a result. This mahayantra fixes that. It opens our eyes to visualize the big picture, and then to align our driving forces with the centre of our being, which is the Self.

The journey to integrate begins with query of the Self, which is the fundamental basis for integral development through Geeta Mahayantra. For that, Gurumaa explained that in the integrating process, the need is the urge to enquire about oneself: how do I be able to integrate in life, what is good, what is righteousness, what should be the goal in life etc.

We have to start from where we are. But we cannot leave one step unless we rise to the next level. But the good thing is that we do not have to wait. We can take synchronised approach to success into this process of integrating. That is why these four steps (Karm Yog, Dhyan Yog, Bhakti Yog & Gyan Yog) are given which will treat us completely. Each one is complementary to other. This is the key to unlock one’s own Self.

The Retreat was a steady guiding process to success in the field of work and evolution in the Spiritual world. We came back with renewed vigour to commit ourselves to the wisdom of Sree Geeta Mahayantra empowered by the blessings of Maaji.

Do not go for every other good thing. Do not succumb to falsehood. Do not compete with others, but yourself. As many times I am fallen to worldly temptations, so many times are my failures. O Lord, give me the Will power and strength to rise once again!

With Pranaam to Gurumaa!