Articles By H H Maa Purnananda Ji

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Sree Vaahan-Deepstambh Pratishtha at Sree Ishwar Darshan Temple - SISS

By H H Maa Purnananda

Recently, a beautiful Deepstambh having Sree Hansa, Sree Garud and Sree Nandi, the three Sacred Vaahan-s of the Trinity, Sree Brahma, Sree Vishnu and Sree Maheshwar; has been installed right in front of Sree Ishwar, outside Sree Ishwar Darshan Temple here.

It is important to know the significance of Deepstambh and the symbolism of the Vaahan-s as per Sanaatan Dharm. Stambh or the pillar indicates steadiness. Deepam or the oil-lamp signifies the light of Consciousness.

In Sanaatan Dharm, Vaahan-s or the Holy Vehicles are also worshiped along with Their respective Gods and Goddesses. It is believed that association with God makes the Vaahan also sacred and therefore, worthy of worship. After all They carry none less than the Gods! They are considered to be great Devotees of Their Masters and They serve Them sincerely as no other devotee ever could! Therefore the Vaahan-s are also mentioned most reverentially in the Holy Scriptures of Sanaatan Dharm. The interesting anecdotes of Their association and service to Gods and Goddesses, along with the philosophical significance behind Their particular forms and the reasons behind whatever services They offer at the Holy Feet of Their Masters, are all compiled in the Puraan-s in most interesting way.

Lord Brahma’s Holy Vehicle Sree Hamsa or the Swan signifies power of discrimination (Vivek). It is said that a swan has the ability to separate water from milk, which is almost impossible! Similarly, it is extremely difficult for a Saadhak to cultivate Vivek Buddhi that would have the ability to know the difference between the ‘Real’ (Aatma) and the ‘unreal’ (Anaatma). If the seeker happens to cultivate such an intellect, then this intellect becomes Sree Hamsa – the Holy Vehicle for Lord Brahma (Lord Brahma represents the propelling power that manifests Divinity). The Supreme Being (Paramaatman) manifests in the form of Sree Hamsa and gives sermons to the Sanat Kumar-s in the 11th Canto of Sreemad Bhaagwat Maha Puran.

Hamsa, the Swan also symbolises “Sah-Aham” or “Soaham” (the Sacred Statement from the Veda-s), which means – “That ‘Brahman’ (the Supreme Reality) I am”!

Lord Vishnu’s Holy Vehicle Sree Garud or the Golden Eagle signifies the ability to remain unaffected by the worldliness (Vairaagya). The huge bird Golden Eagle has very sharp vision. Though flying high in the sky, it dives like lightening, accurately on its prey or a small piece of meat lying on earth, swiftly picks it up in its claws and flies away smoothly! Similarly, the Saadhak has to cultivate Virakta Mann, which means, to nurture the mind with dispassion towards the world, so that though functioning in the world, the mind remains unaffected by worldliness! If the seeker is able to thus prepare the mind, then such a mind becomes Sree Garud – the Holy Vehicle for Lord Vishnu (Lord Vishnu represents the potency that sustains the Divinity). In Garud Puran, Lord Vishnu gives sermons to Sree Garud. Also, in Sreemad Ramayanam, Kakbhushundi ji narrates about Sree Ram’s Incarnation to Sree Garud.

Lord Shiv’s Holy Vehicle Sree Nandi or the bull signifies the strength and steadiness to behold the Singular Divinity, in spite of interacting with the false world of plurality at the physical level (Chitta Ekaagrata). The stout and strongly built bull sits attentively for hours without getting disturbed by the passing objects. But when it is disturbed, it charges head-on towards the disturbing element and makes sure to be the winner! Similarly, the seeker has to withstand steadily, the mighty blows of the worldly circumstances and uncertainties, and continue to perform unabatedly, all the bounden duties towards the world, remaining firmly grounded in the constant thought of the Divine. If the seeker is able to develop and gain such strength of inner integration (Chitta Ekaagrata) to perform dedicatedly and diligently in the world, without losing the focus on the Divine; then the physical body of such a seeker functions merely as the Divine’s instrument, Sree Nandi – the Holy Vehicle for Lord Maheshwar (Lord Shiv represents the Auspiciousness within, which prompts such selfless actions that lead to liberation from transmigration). We find anecdotes about Sree Nandi in Shiv Puran. Sree Nandidev is said to be the son of Rishi Shilaad and is considered to be the Revered Guru of Maharshi Patanjali.

Above is a brief introduction to the three Great Sacred Vehicles of the Lord Incarnate. Sanaatan Dharm through its voluminous Sacred Texts validates the reason behind worship of these Holy Vehicles, by providing in-depth explanations for the same. We pray at Their Holy Feet and seek blessings for Self-enlightenment.