Articles By H H Maa Purnananda Ji

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Why Study The Sacred Scriptures?

By H H Maa Purnananda

“Mokshaikasaktyaa Vishayeshu Raagam, Nirmoolya Sannyasya Cha Sarvakarm; Satshraddhayaa Yah Shravanaadinishtho, Rajahswabhaavam Sa Dhunoti Buddheh.” – (Vivekchoodaamani – 182)

Devotion (Bhakti) is, as though, the second nature of a person. Love for the near and dear ones at the gross physical existence appears to recede when it becomes troublesome. This “love” then turns towards “God” and one starts believing that it is “devotion”! As much one isolates oneself from this troublesome “love”, that much more and more he wants to express his “devotion” to “God”. But, at the back of his mind, he stores rejection, negativity or sometimes even hatred towards one whom he, once upon a time, used to “love”. As a result, either he runs away and plunges into prohibitive activities, or he turns towards “God”. So, it is not “devotion”, but is only a way to escape from the troublesome world.

Again, as soon as he starts to get pleasure from the same world, he soon forgets “God” and gets back into past ways. This ‘hide and seek’ would have been going on for several lifetimes for the soul, and yet, the steadiness and satisfaction remain out of sight for him! When the very principal object of attachment, affection, love, liking, binding and so on, are for the transient world, then such feelings too ought to be subject to change! But then, one expects it to be changeless!

All the trouble experienced and undergone by any individual is not due to any external reasons. Man does not know that such unwanted and undesirable experiences are all because of the Raajasik nature nurtured and nourished by himself in sheer ignorance. Instead of trying to change internally, he keeps striving hard to remove sorrow and unhappiness throughout life by various means of earning, grabbing and aggrandising. All for the very principal object of his attachment, affection, love, liking, binding and so on! Ultimately, neither does he gain peace and happiness, nor one for whom he did it all!

In the extroverted efforts appreciated by the world, man forgets and neglects to educate himself in the most important “subject” that imparts the knowledge of “Existence” and “Bliss”. Where else could one find the remedy for getting rid of attachment, the very source of all troubles? When the solution for this trouble lies in the Sacred Scriptures, why man wants to keep away from the “Subjective Sciences”?

If man is not well-informed in the most important “subject” of his life, why would he study the Sacred Scriptures? If he does not study it under the guidance of the Guru, how would he understand it properly? If he does not understand it, how would he internalize and implement it? If he does not implement it, how would he ever be able to transform his Raajasik nature? And if he does not transform internally, would he ever grow out of his attachments………?

Studying the Sacred Scriptures is therefore most important! Adi Shankaracharya in the given couplet from Vivekchoodaamani says – “With single-pointed devotion for liberation, he who roots out his attachments for sense-objects, renounces all actions and with faith in Truth, constantly hears (the Truth) etc., he can purge the Raajasik nature in his intellect.” Therefore, it is most important to study the Sacred Scriptures. This is applicable to one and all, irrespective of caste, creed and religion; no matter one belongs to which of these, but one must study the Sacred Scriptures of one’s own belief and tradition.

Generally, the devotees (or the devotees in need!) have a tendency of excusing themselves from reading and studying the Scriptures, saying that their devotion and faith towards their Guru, their religion or their traditions are sufficient. And hence, they do not need even to get any information about their Scriptures; leave aside studying those under the guidance of a Guru! In which case, we can understand that a devotee would actually not be able to leave attachments and so on; though exceptions are always there in this case too! But, man should not rely upon his own imagination about his being a devotee. It is therefore advisable to go systematically while dealing with the most important, intricate, sensitive, subtle and the “Subjective”aspect of life, which is to do with his inner personality.