Find Your True Wealth
H H Maa Purnananda
Founder Chairperson
Sree Guru Swami Chinmayananda Sewa Nidhi ®
Spiritual practises help to develop inner integrity which gradually culminates into Will power; the enlightening and all-embracing power of Divine Consciousness. The social norms introduce self-control and selfless service for disciplining our gross physical body and the senses, whereas the injunctions laid by spiritual wisdom are practiced for disciplining our mind-intellect equipment, leading the seeker towards self-uplift and self-evolution. Gradually, such a tamed equipment gets transformed into inner integration. Therefore, the practice of social norms is almost unavoidable as it supports to accomplish the spiritual wisdom.
At Satyavrat Institute of Subjective Sciences, the seekers find more and more wealth out of their constant digging in the invaluable mine of spiritual wisdom. One of the best ways to assess our cultural and spiritual growth is to get into such an activity that is based upon fundamentals of spirituality. The wealth of peace, virtues, satisfaction, success, wisdom and will can be his, who digs into the aforesaid mine leading himself to true Freedom.