Articles By H H Maa Purnananda Ji

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The Nectar of Lord’s Sacred Names

By H H Maa Purnananda

“Krishnapraaptikaram Shashwatpremaanand Phalapradam; Sreemad Bhaagwatam Shaastram Kalau Keerena Bhaashitam.” – (Sreemad Bhaagwat Maha Puran Maahaatmyam – 4/48)

Beings are born as per their desires based on inherent tendencies. Life after life man keeps unsuccessfully satiating the never-ending fountain of desires emerging incessantly from within! The Seers have therefore suggested to turning our attention away from worldly desires towards the endless and enchanting glory of God. Right from childhood, if one is trained to acknowledge the presence of God, to have faith in Him, to sing and chant His glories, to repeatedly take His name, to be grateful to Him and to seek forgiveness from Him; then with this kind of upbringing, God would become an inseparable part of man’s complete experience of very existence itself. Thereafter, he would not have to remember God; instead, in fact he, even for a little while, would never ever forget God!

When an individual is brought up considering the above, then perhaps for such a person the names of God would be nectar-like for sure. Now if one has missed out on this, then it could be difficult, but surely not impossible! So the Guru-s encourage the grownups to read the Scriptures, to observe austerities on auspicious days and to do daily Puja, Japa, Sadhna etc. which would all help to inculcate inclination towards God and to cultivate faith and belief in Him. When a grown up man tries to take up such religious and Spiritual practices in later part of life, it becomes rather difficult for him to intellectually accept the deep symbolism, and significance of the religious activities. Moreover, to thereafter cultivate deep faith in God becomes furthermore difficult due to mental preoccupations and sometimes physical shortcomings.

Overlooking all such disadvantages, if one is determined to dedicatedly continue to pursue the Sacred Path leading towards God, then again he is surely to succeed. Such a person should seek guidance from the Guru, faithfully accept His instructions and sincerely practice as per the Guru-s advice. The Holy Texts of Sanaatan Dharm, such as Sreemad Bhaagwatam, Sree Ram Charit Maanas and so on, and also innumerable Stora-s and Bhajan-s sung and chanted by our revered Guru Parampara, are all excellent aids for enhancing awareness, deepening faith and dedicating our day-to-day activities to the Divine; and as a result, directing our lives towards Godhood.

To experience the Nectar of God’s Sacred Names, one has to first get internally prepared; and the above mentioned means are to be adopted by each one of us so that not to remain deprived of this matchless Supreme Nectar! Once you get the taste of this Nectar, you would surely get inspired enough to strive hard and make this human life worthy!

Maharshi Vedvyas ji says in the given verse - “The Holy Treatise Sreemad Bhaagwatam expounded by Sree Shukdevji Mahaaraj is the ultimate means to attain Godhood and to be blessed with the Eternal Fruit of blissful love.” So then why deprive yourself of this Eternal Fruit?