यज्ञार्थात्कर्मणोऽन्यत्र लोकोऽयं कर्मबन्धन: |
तदर्थं कर्म कौन्तेय मुक्तसङ्ग: समाचर ||3.9||

Click here for HH Maa Purnanandaji's webcast : Bounden duties must be performed, but, with the attitude of sacrifice

Any work what we do, we must do with the attitude of Yagna, with the attitude of Sacrifice at the feet of Supreme Brahman.

Any work done for the enjoyment of one’s senses, pleasure or one’s pride is the cause of bondage in the material world, while work performed as Yagna (sacrifice) for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord liberates one from the veiling Power of Maya and attracts divine Grace.

Sri. Saurabh
Dubai (U.A.E)