सत्त्वं सुख्हे संजयति रजः कर्मणि भारतः |
ज्ञानमाव्रत्य तु तमः प्रमादे संजयत्युत ||14.9||
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Sattva- Attaches to inward happiness; internal peace.
Rajas - Action; one is attached to desire to acquire more.
Tamas - One is trapped in lower tendencies in ignorance covering Absolute Knowledge.
Smt. Divya
Dubai (U.A.E)
Actions of the Gurus in our inner world are indicated.
Sattwa attaches itself to happiness of an individual who has experienced Sattwa, his creative intelligences will not allow to him to come to Rajas or Tamas.
Rajas : if one is under the influence of Rajas , it makes one naturally passionate with desires and attachment, to satisfy he does endless activity.
Tamas veils the Knowledge and gets attached to darkness and veils right judgement and leads to indiscrimination in action. How guna as a tool gets attached to Atha gets bondage.
Smt. Sumati
Delhi (NCR)