In What Lies True Peace

Shikha Tulshan – Aurangabad Study Circle

Hari Aum!

(My understanding of a story narrated by Manish ji)

Once a man built a house for himself. No sooner than he moved in, he started getting dreams at night that this house is going to be reduced to ashes. Not once but repeated occurrence of this dream, made him have sleepless nights, day after day. His anxiety kept on rising and he thought of consulting astrologers to seek their advice. The astrologers too, told him - “yes, very soon your house will be burnt down”. This convinced him to move out of this house and look for a secure option.

He sold the house and with the money, he rented a small house and kept the balance amount with him. Moving in to a new house, though a small one, definitely gave him peace for a few days, but soon later he started worrying about the balance cash kept with him and again started having sleepless nights. He immediately decided to deposit the money in the bank to ensure its security. For a few days he was relaxed, but again anxiety crept in that what if someone stole the deposit slip and ran away with all the money!

Much to his good fortune, a few days later a sage came to the village and suggested that the village must have a water well, to save all the trouble of going very far to fill water. instead that time could be utilized by villagers for better purposes. This person found it a good idea to put his money in making a well and willingly conceded. The well was constructed much to the joy & happiness of all the villagers. After a few days, he realized that he was not only completely free of all the worry & anxieties, but also enjoyed peaceful sleep at nights. Not only this, he also enjoyed the love and praises, the villagers showered upon him. His good deed had not only fetched him peace, happiness, love & progress in this life alone, but he got entitled to a better world hereafter.

My learning from this story was that as long as we are in the sense of individuality, of i-ness and my-ness, there is fear. But as we expand out and move towards totality, to that One alone, fear starts fading away.

More learnings from the story by other members -

Accumulation & hoarding brings in distress. Prompted by our desires, we run out extroverted and end up striving for and hoarding material possessions that ultimately disturbs our peace for fear of losing it.

Importance of correct guidance by Guru. Only a Sadguru can guide us and safely take us across the ocean of sansaar.

Association & attachment to wealth, power, status (false and perishable) leads to agitation. We must discover – in what lies true peace!
