Understanding Ego

Ranjani – Delhi Study Circle (NCR)

Q) “Hari Aum Manishji, can you kindly explain, out of Mann, Buddhi, Chitt & Ahankaar, how can we best understand Ahankaar?”

Manish ji's reply:

[As understood by me]

“Ahankaar or ego is conditioning, the identification of the Self with matter. Our body, is actually a vesture comprising of 5 sheaths or layers starting from the Food sheath to the Bliss sheath. Identification of the Self with any or all the sheaths is ego. Or in other words, the Self conditioned by sheaths is ego.

The whole purpose of Spiritual studies is to transcend this ego; to transcend the identification with the matter vestures or the different sheaths. The 5 sheaths are like onion layers which if removed one by one will have nothing in the core. By dis-association or non-identification with them, we move closer to our true Self. This is de-conditioning or transcending the ego.”

Ranjani: “But is it possible to not identify with all that I know or have known so closely about myself?”

Manish ji: “Yes. It is possible.

In the waking state your instruments of identification are different. With the 5 sense organs you perceive and identify with your perceptions. But as you move into the dream state, this identification with the waking state no more holds true, because your identification is now with a different stage all together. Similarly, in the deep sleep state also, identification is still there, but not the same as in waking and dream, because the instruments available in waking and dream are not available in deep sleep, so the experiences are different. In deep sleep you are identified with the cause. But ironically, you are not aware of this cause.

You can choose to ‘not’ identify with something, only when you are aware of that thing. so non identification is possible in your awareness.”

Ranjani: “So in my waking state when i am aware, can I choose to not identify through the process of Neti Neti?”

Manish ji: “If you practice ‘Neti Neti’, you will have to bring in ‘Iti Iti’ also. This is where Vedant saves us from going into nothingness. Under the guidance of a Dharm Nishth Sadguru, one can practice the processes of Neti & Iti.”