Sudha – Aurangabad Study Circle

Q) “Hari Aum Manishji, When I introspect, I understand where my actions went wrong, where my mind wandered unnecessarily etc. But when it comes to feeling the connect with God I realize that I never got connected with Him throughout the day other than my Puja time. How do I feel His presence throughout?”

Manish ji's reply:

[As understood by me]

“If you want to see your reflection in the mirror, two factors are mandatory.

a) There should be no dust on the mirror

b) You should be standing in front of the mirror looking at it, not anywhere else.

So also if the mind is looking only outside in the outer world without constantly seeing or remembering the very Source because of Which one is able to perceive and interact with the outside world, is the reason one cannot connect with God.

The senses by default are trained to look outside and bring in the stimuli through the 5 gateways and mind gets constantly engaged in these 5 sets of stimuli, and becomes indulgent. It perceives in its fancied imaginations and not the way it has to be perceived in its originality. For eg: upon hearing any distance sound, it starts imagining multiple things and comes to conclude and react accordingly, without finding its actuality. This increases agitation which can be compared to the dust on the mirror in the above example.”

Sudha: “So does it mean that we have to avoid contacting the outside world?”

Manishji: “Contact with the outside world is inevitable. But it is important for you as a saadhak to enquire what you want? Peace or agitation? if it is peace, then you have to clutch the mind on and off from the sense world. Mind does withdraw its contact with the outside world, when we go to sleep. But in that state it is not in awareness. A conscious effort to withdraw from the externals, and hold the mind in awareness of the Higher field is an important practice to feel the connect.”