Nishant – NCR Study Circle

Hari Aum!

(My understanding of a story narrated by Manish ji)

A Sage is doing his penance in the forest. A beautiful queen passing by halts as she sees the sage. The sage opens his eyes and sees the sadness in the eyes of the queen. When asked by the sage for the reason of her sadness, she says that she has no child. The sage gives a creeper to the Queen & says that as the creeper would bear fruit so would she bear a son. The words of the sage come true, and she is blessed with a son. The queen returns to the Sage after a few years. She prays to the sage to accept the child as his pupil and give him Sacred and Scriptural lessons that have been missed in his upbringing.

The Sage takes the Queen’s son under his shelter & imparts the teachings. To test the child, the sage tells him the following story and asks him the answer to the riddle that lies therein.

There lived a King in the Jungle who had access to all the three worlds. No one could fight the King. The king encompasses the Sky, Air, Fire, Water, Earth. The King creates an Army of Ghosts & Goblins. Thus, the King (subject) starts creating the objects of his desire. Here, what does the king stand for? 

Answer: The king is the Jeev, or we may also say that the king is the Mind! 

Our Learning from the above story narration:

The IDEA of being different from your Self is so big that no one can help the jeev. The conditioned Self, the jeev, experiences the pairs of opposites. Happiness and Sorrow are only superficial. World is only sorrow! Creation in reality doesn’t exist, it is only the IDEA - a superimposition, which is due to our own ignorance. When we see the waves in an ocean, we see them to be different from the ocean and attribute properties to them, when they are nothing but the ocean only! We associate with the IDEA. This IDEATION is the source of trouble, else nothing in the world can affect one. Decondition from the IDEA!

“तत् त्वम् असि ।“
“अहं ब्रह्मास्मि ।“