Aditi Someshwar (Chh. Sambhaji Nagar, Maharashtra):

Q) “Hari Aum! Kindly explain, is Intuition the same as Telepathy?”

Manish ji's reply:

[As understood by me]

“Intuition and telepathy are two different things. Telepathy or premonition is to do with the mind, but Intuition is beyond the mind. 
Since we are all in the realm of mind, telepathy can be explained as follows:
We know, that we are able to listen to any broadcast information when the frequencies are matched. That is to say, that the frequency of the receiving station matches the frequency of the signals from where it is transmitted. 
In the same way, since all individual minds exist in totality, there is a possibility of the frequencies of any 2 minds matching at a particular time. So there is a feeling of 'knowing before-hand' or in common parlance - premonition of something that's about to happen. 
This is possible because, though the total cosmic mind seems to be conditioned into individuality, but in essence being one, is the common link between all the individual minds. 
Just as the GPS system assists in making an individual reach where he's desirous to go, in the same way totality is the full-filler and assists in - with what, where and with whom we want to tune our minds in this plane of consciousness."