The Spiritual Heart

Aditi – Aurangabad Study Circle

Q) “Hari Aum Manishji, can you please explain what is Spiritual Heart?”

Manish ji's reply:

[As understood by me]

“Let us understand this by 1st understanding what is Intellect and Mind.

Intellect is the higher faculty in man, the decision making factor. It is the instrument which has the capacity to discriminate not only between right/wrong, good/bad but ultimately between the Real and the unreal, whereas…

Mind is a flow of thoughts and is perpetually oscillating between ‘to do’ or ‘not to do’, i.e it is always doubting and can never come to a certain decision. It is extroverted and runs to enjoy the stimuli brought in by the sense organs of perception. 

Both Mind & intellect together make the Spiritual Heart. How?

Normally in a common man there is no connect between his mind and intellect. The mind may know that the intellect is prompting in the right direction, but pulled by the worldly ways it refuses to comply. There is a split between the mind and intellect.

Only when the mind transcends its flickering ways and uplifts itself to the level of a decision making intellect, it is an ‘integrated mind’. And when the mind uplifts itself to the level of the intellect discriminating between the Real and unreal and choosing to stay with the Real is the formation of a ‘Spiritual Heart’ – the seat of God.”